Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Friendly advice

Did you see my blog I asked a couple of friends?You have a blog,I can't believe it.You,the person that is so...non-computer literate?What gives?What's it called? Wildbirdseedmart I responded amongst the laughter.Why would you or anyone want to market wild bird seed? Well, I love watching all the wildlife and the wild birds coming to my garden feeders and I wanted to learn more about attracting them.Besides pigeons Mr.City Dweller what birds can you get on that balcony terrace?Let me help you out here and give you some insight.I bet if you knew something about bird feeders and wild bird seed you could attract several different types of birds.You probably could  attract some cardinals,blue jays, finches and sparrows.Ordinary wild birds but greatly worth attracting,admiring and taking some time to relax by watching them.For instance by placing a feeder with various types of seed mixtures you would certainly lure different birds. A mixture of sunflower seeds,safflower seed and red or white millet would do the trick You could also add corn and nuts to it to get even more birds.For example,cardinals are very beautiful birds.The male's red plumage and the females olive green-brown feathers are striking and make a statement with that bright orange beak.These little guys love sunflower and safflower seeds.Sunflower seed will attract many varieties of birds and wild life. This plant and it's seed heads are the number one attraction for birds.Jays, chickadees,titmouse and nuthatches love the sunflower's seed. I even have seen goldfinch eat the petals of the flower. So why not place a platform feeder on the balcony rail or a feeder that  accepts multiple wild bird seed mix and see what happens.If you decide to add some cracked corn,which a lot more birds like,be  aware that this may bring in what I call "bully birds" and squirrels. Jays and blackbirds will force your songbirds out so you may want to give them their own tray feeder.Millet will bring in the sparrows,juncos and buntings.All have heavy conical beaks for cracking the round seed.It's easy enough to grow sunflower plants and millet if you have the space and time:however, most of us would rather just purchase it and put the wild bird seed mixture into the feeders.It gives us more time to watch our feathered friends and be amused or entertained.Sometimes I get so engrossed with watching I forget the time.This is an easy way to get started watching the birds and wildlife in your area.Bird feeding and watching can be enjoyed by people of all ages and walks of life.Even my dog likes to watch the birds with me sometimes. So get some wild bird seed and a couple of feeders, fill them and have some fun!

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