Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wild Birds' Beaks or Bills

       Wild birds' beaks or bills (used interchangeably) are used for various functions other than eating.  That is the primary purpose of the beak or bill is for eating.  The type of beak or bill a wild bird possesses determines what food its diet primarily consists of. The beak is used as a wild birds tool for prying, drilling and probing.  In the breeding season several wild birds (puffins for example) beaks display brighter or different colors than their norm to attract a mate.  Storks and cranes use their bills in mating rituals by bill clapping or dancing while the bills are touching, while grouse and other wild birds drum with their beaks to attract a partner.  Beaks or bills are important in nest construction whether it be picking up materials for the construction or the actual forming of the nest.  Beaks come in various sizes, shapes, and types.  Sometimes the beaks look quite similar but upon closer inspection there are subtle differences  which is specific for that particular wild bird.  I have tried to simplify the types of birds beaks by placing them in five general categories.  Most wild birds have their niche but several types of wild birds will go between the groups.  The general categories are: seed eaters, insect eaters, fruit and nectar eaters, fish eaters and meat eaters    It is my intent to familiarize you to the world of wild birds beaks and to their function.
       Wild birds beaks or bills consist of two bony structures the upper mandible and the lower mandible.  These structures are covered with a thin layer of keratin.  In the wild birds' world the keratin gets replaced many times due to wear.  Due to the various functions a beak or bill plays in the life of wild birds their bills don't need trimming or cutting as with domestic birds.  Though wild birds beaks or bills look heavy, the structures are hollow and lightweight so the bird can still fly.  Now let's explore the world of wild birds beaks
       Seed eaters fall into two groups.. large seed eaters and small seed eaters.
       Large seed eaters have a large powerful heavy looking conical beak.  This beak or bill has the ability to crush large seeds for maples, pines, spruce and sunflowers.  On the outer ridge of the mandibles (upper and lower bony structures of the beak) there are ridges called Tomia that help slice the shell of the seed so the bird can eat the seed kernels.  Cardinals and grosbeaks are just two wild birds that have this type of beak.
       Small seed eaters have a much smaller heavy beak to crush smaller seeds such as millet, milo,grass seed and thistle.  Sparrows, juncos, buntings and goldfinch are some of the wild birds in this group.
       Nectar eaters have long straw like thin bills used to probe flowers for the nectar.  The bill has a slightly downward curve which allows the bird to get further inside the flower to reach the sugary substance.  Hummingbirds will "sip" nectar from tubular flowers using its long beak and tongue.  The beaks actual purpose is to protect the bird's extremely long tongue which has troughs or grooves along it so nectar gets pulled from the flower through capillary action, feeding the bird and looking as if it is sipping the nectar.  Oriole get their nectar by eating the petals of flowers of fruit trees such as apples and cherries.  They will also visit nectar feeders.
       Nectar and fruit eaters bills tend to be longer and narrower than the seed eating group but not as long as the hummingbirds' beak.  Scarlet tanagers, orioles and vireos all fit into this category using their beaks to pick pieces of fruit for their eating pleasure.  Toucans are fruit eaters possessing a very colorful large bill which has the ability to crush large seeds and pick large fruit such as avocados off of trees.  
       Insect eating birds have very short beaks but can open their mouths very wide enabling these wild birds to catch insects or bugs on the fly.  The beak has bristles around it to aid in catching or netting   any bugs as they fly past the bird or any bug in the birds path.  Inside the mouth of these wild birds are backward bumps which directs the food downwards.  Swallows, swifts and nighthawks belong to this group.  Warblers, vireos, kinglets and gnatcatches have short pointed bills.  The bills are tweezer like and slender allowing the birds to pick or tweeze the bugs off of tree branches and leaves.  This group of wild birds is very beneficial due to the amount of insects they consume. The beaks in the insect eating class are extremely small compared to the bird's head. 
       Probers possess longer and pointed beaks than insect eating birds.  Their bills look slightly heavier and thicker in depth though they are hollow inside making them lightweight.  Robins, grackles and flickers use their bills to probe the ground for grubs, insects and larvae.  Many waterbirds have probing beaks though theirs tend to be even longer and heavier than land bird probers.  Ibis, curlew, wimbels, snipe and godwit possess thick long pointed beaks with a downward curve to probe the mud or shallow waters. for invertebrates and aquatic insects.  Other wild birds stir the water with their beaks to find food particles. They use their beaks in a tweezing motion to put water droplets into their mouths which then releases the water and the bird gets to eat the food particles.  Avocets on the other hand have upward turning bills that they swing from side to side in the water feeling for crustaceans, insects, seeds and other prey.  Dowitchers have a thick long straight beak for probing the water in a sewing machine motion for their dinner. 
       Chiselers have an ever so slightly curved heavy thick pointed bill.  The beaks or bills on these wild birds are used to chisel out holes for nesting sites and raising a family.  The beak hits an object at approximately 6-7 m/sec.  Woodpeckers are probers and chiselers.  They probe trees for bugs while chiseling and hammering the tree trunk for food and dwelling.  Yellow bellied sapsucker drill holes in trees to extract sap from the tree which it will sup upon. The sap will then attract other insect eating wild birds such as flickers.
       Tearing and ripping bills are considered possessions of wild birds that hunt. The bills are thick and heavy looking and hook at the end.  The hook is extremely pointed and sharp.  The hook's job is to pierce and tear.  These wild birds have a little tooth on the upper mandible and a corresponding space on the lower mandible which pierces and severes the spinal cord of the prey.  The tooth aids in securing the prey while the bird is in flight.  The pointed hook then rips or tears the catch into pieces the bird can eat.  Hawks, eagles, osprey and owls are all  hunters and possess this kind of bill.  Vultures though not hunters but opportunists feeding on dead carrion also fall into this category.
       Fish eaters are sub divided into several groups for simplicity sake.  The groups are the stabbers, skimmers and scoopers.    
       Stabbers have very lengthy thick pointy beaks that can gradually taper or just jumps to a point.The beak is used to stab or spear the birds dinner.  In herons and egrets the beak spears their prey and then they flip the bill upwards and the food goes down the gullet whole be it a mouse, snake or crustacean.
        Skimmers have a longer lower mandible than its upper mandible.  This allows the bird to fly over the water while keeping the lower jaw submerged till it feels a fish.  Once a fish is felt the jaw snaps shut with the upper mandible holds the fish in place.  The American or Black Skimmer with its reddish beak is the noted bird for this kind of fishing.
       Scoopers have a very extended beak with extra skin under the lower mandible that forms a net or pouch.  The pouch can hold up to three gallons of water when expanded.  When the bill snaps shut the pouch contracts draining and filtering the water out but leaving whats left for the bird to eat in one swallow.  White pelicans either swim or fly above the water and scoop large amounts of water into their pouch..  Brown pelicans dive for their food but as their exiting the water they scoop up large quantities of water also.
        Strainers or filter beaks are flatter and wider than the beaks previously discussed.  The Roseate Spoonbill has a very long  flat spoon shaped bill.  It leaves the bill partially open while it moves the beak back and forth through the water until it feels a fish. At that point the bill snaps closed capturing dinner.  The bill filters out the water so all that's left is the crustacean, aquatic insects or fish for the spoonbill's dinner.  Ducks and swan have much shorter, flatter and broader bills than most land birds.  Ducks and several other waterfowl have comb like structures on the edge of their beaks called lamella.  This structure allows the bill to seine or filter mud and water out leaving just the grasses, insects and small fish in the duck's bill.  Mergansers have a more sawtooth ridge which assists in catching and securing amphibians and crustaceans.  
        When trying to identify wild birds note the bill type and size.  The shape of the beak can give clues to what the wild birds primary diet is so it may be attracted to the backyard or spotted eating its favorite food.  Wild birds in all areas have the same types of bills as listed above so if abroad the same identification should be used to find what wild birds have been sighted.  In the spring or mating season when the wild birds return, note the bill color or the dance and bill clapping in the rituals for it is truly interesting to watch.  If you are in need of some good wild bird products such as guide books or identification books please visit the website  The website offers wild bird seed and nectar products.  Feeding stations for wild birds and nesting boxes are also available.  Birdbaths which offer fresh water drinking helps to bring wild birds to the yard.  Make the yard a wild bird habitat by providing shelter, food, and water.         

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